Society Worker died from meningitis infection in Tengiz In the morning of January 26 two employees of Imstalkom LLP contracting company were delivered to the TCO rotational village clinic with symptoms of infectious disease - 41-y.o. R. and 23-y.o., both are the citizens of East Kazakhstan Oblast. Soon the elder person died. January 27 2015, 10:30 3 320 просмотрs
Crime In Atyrau 4-y.o. girl drowned in sauna pool The fatal accident occurred on January 25 in a sauna located at the Taimanov street. January 26 2015, 17:44 3 293 просмотрs
Ecology Oil on tap-2 The nature protection prosecutor's office of Atyrau Oblast issued an instruction to the Department of Ecology related to the fact of oil spill on the 81st km of the Martyshy-Atyrau oil pipeline belonging to KazTransOil (see “Oil on tap”). January 26 2015, 11:54 3 495 просмотрs
Economy Replacement of equipment at Kashagan will cost 100 million dollars Ak Zhaik newspaper has learnt about the cost of the new compressors that NCOC is planning to install at the off-shore and on-shore oil and gas processing units (Bolashak processing plant) instead of old ones. Therefore, the version that one of the reasons for pipelines failure was an insufficient drying of gas at the on-shore unit was confirmed. January 23 2015, 14:30 4 004 просмотрs
Society ”One of the pupils dispersed a gas spray bottle” (+update) As the result of dispersion by one of the pupils of a gas spray aerosol bottle on the 1st floor cloakroom of the school located in Zhoumysker village near Atyrau, 21 senior grade pupils and one employee were hospitalized with symptoms of aerosol poisoning. January 23 2015, 09:50 2 487 просмотрs
Society Mass poisoning of children by unknown substance took place in Atyrau (+official information for mass media) On January 22,at 13:18 the central dispatcher point of the regional Emergency Situations Department received an alarming call about mass poisoning of schoolchildren with unknown substance in airat the IssataiTaimanovsecondary school located at Zhoumyskersuburban village. January 22 2015, 23:55 2 991 просмотрs
Economy Production of chemicals for oil industry planned to start in Atyrau The Bashkir specialists intend to run the production of chemicals for the oil and gas industries in Atyrau, the Governor’s office of the region reported. January 20 2015, 05:11 3 183 просмотрs
Ex-Governor case Ex-Governor’s Case. Appeals hearings will start on February 2 The appeal board of Atyrau regional court will start the hearings of all appeals submitted by the defendants that do not accept the court verdict on the criminal case of “Bergei Ryskaliev's organized criminal group”on February 2. January 20 2015, 04:21 5 113 просмотрs
Crime Six people died in road accident on Kulsary-Atyrau highway (+update) On Saturday, January 17, at 18.30 a road accident took place on Kulsary-Atyrau highway. As the result of road accident six people died on the spot. January 18 2015, 23:27 5 464 просмотрs
Society Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany On January 19, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the 12 main holy days – Epiphany or Holy Manifestation of the Saviour Christ. January 19 2015, 20:00 2 360 просмотрs
Ecology Bonnatti should restore polluted environment and bring it to its previous state - Kuanov Ak Zhaik newspaper learnt about the details of diesel fuel spill allowed by Bonatti S.p.A. two years ago at Bolashak plant of the North Caspian project. January 16 2015, 18:33 4 262 просмотрs
Economy Oil on tap On Jan 16, the police forces of Makhambet District Department of Internal Affairs found a major oil spill on the border of Atyrau, on the 81st kilometer of the oil pipeline of the Martyshy oil field. January 16 2015, 16:48 4 143 просмотрs
Economy Board of Directors of KazMunayGas EP changes KazMunayGas Exploration Production JSC (KMG EP) informed about the changes in its Management Board. January 16 2015, 14:53 3 505 просмотрs
Crime Passenger bus hits two women to death Today, January 14, at 8:15 AM a passenger bus hit to death two women aged 61 and 62 in Atyrau. January 14 2015, 12:01 3 772 просмотрs
Economy Embamunaigas General Director appointed Kurmangazy Iskaziev was appointed new General Director of Embamunaigas JSC. K. Iskaziev earlier worked as the chief geologist of National Oil Company KazMunaiGas. January 13 2015, 18:15 3 575 просмотрs
Society Chairman of Atyrau city court appointed By the decree of the President of Kazakhstan Almat Ermanov has been appointed the chairman of Atyrau city court. January 13 2015, 10:05 2 327 просмотрs
Ecology Atyrau Refinery won the case in court against the department of ecology Atyrau Refinery refused to pay the ecological fine instructed by the regional department of ecology in 2014 amounting to 24 billion tenge and won the environmental case in court. January 12 2015, 17:03 3 647 просмотрs
Politics Madi Takiev appointed the head of state revenue department By the order of the RoK Ministry of Finance Madi Takiev was appointed the head of state revenue department of Atyrau Oblast. M. Takiev previously worked in the administrative office of the RoK Prime Minister. January 9 2015, 15:39 10 624 просмотрs
Society Storm warning in Atyrau Oblast: January 7-9 The Emergency Situations Department of Atyrau Oblast announced about sharp deterioration of weather conditions. According to information provided by ESD press service with reference to Kazhydromet, in Atyrau and Atyrau districts on January 7-9 snow, blizzard and 15-20 m/s northwest wind are expected. January 8 2015, 17:17 3 565 просмотрs
Economy Kashagan: the matter is not in pipes only? (+update) According to PSA (Production Sharing Agreement) Kazakhstan will not refund NCOC’s expenses for renewal of production at Kashagan. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of pipelines replacement will make about $3 billion. But it seems that the matter is not only in pipes. January 6 2015, 11:23 8 734 просмотрs
Society Wishing you happiness under the morning star “One more aul (Kazakh village) disappeared from the face of the earth. Abandoned human settlements are pitiful sights”, – I thought when I arrived to the small settlement called Obaly, where once lived my old acquaintance Bibigul with her big, close-knit family. She had four daughters and two sons and I brought to them New Year gifts in the form of food items and other handy stuff that I purchased with the money collected by my colleague journalists from AkZhaik newspaper. January 5 2015, 16:15 2 405 просмотрs
Society Traditional New Year food fairs On the New year’s eve on December 30 and 31, and also on January 3 and 4 food fairs will take place at “Mounaishi” stadium. December 29 2014, 15:28 3 056 просмотрs
Society News Review 2014: AkZhaik’ biggest stories of the year (New year nominations) Family of the year A couple from Esbol village in Inder – Asylbek Khassanov and Kaly Gumarova after their biological children grew up, got married and left the family decided to adopt 2 kids from the orphanage (they are on a photo with Kaly Gumarova). Now little Batima hugs her Mom and 9th grade Erasyl helps the parents to run the farm. Good luck! December 27 2014, 10:15 3 079 просмотрs
Culture Atyrau Dina Nurpeissova's orchestra won the hearts of Parisians The Atyrau Academic orchestra of national instruments named after Dina Nurpeissova returned from France, where it gave three concerts within the framework of the Cultural Days of Kazakhstan in France. December 25 2014, 17:11 5 566 просмотрs
Culture Evening with Onerbek Zhanbala: Kazakh Cultural Event! On December 24, at 7pm (admittance is free) in Drama Theater named after Makhambet Utemisov “Eventing with Onerbek Zhanbala” – a Kazakh cultural event “Ak Zhaik aktanger”will take place. December 24 2014, 13:20 3 264 просмотрs