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Migrants checked in supermarkets and night clubs

2 633 просмотрs

By Murat Sultangaliev

From January 28 till January 30 in Atyrau Oblast the migration police conducted a preventive operation “Migrant”.  The deputy head of migration police department Bolat Doskaliev (on a photo) reported about the results of that operation at the briefing.

Police checked apartments and houses where migrants lived, as well as the places where they mostly hang out. Police officers revealed over 300 violations of migration law. According to Art. 517 of the RoK Administrative Code (“Violation of RoK migration legislation”) 270 people were brought to administrative responsibility including local people who registered the migrants at their addresses, but in actual fact the migrants lived elsewhere. 33 migrants who couldn’t present their IDs were committed to reception centre.

Photo taken by Tamara Sukhomlinova

February 3 2015, 13:28

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