Ecology Weather forecasters predict cold February According to the head of weather forecasts of the regional branch of Kazhydromet Koulyaina Myrzasheva, it tends to become cold. February 8 2016, 17:28 7 140 просмотрs
Ecology TCO fined at KZT 124 mln 600 thousand for ecological damage The court of Atyrau region has levied more than 12 mln tenge penalty against LLP Tengizchevroil. December 22 2015, 10:07 7 035 просмотрs
Ecology Atyrau Refinery fined, steaming of railcars stopped Atyrau Oblast Prosecutor's Administration Office #1 circulated the press release about the inspection that had been carried out jointly with the regional department of ecology. The reason for inspection was specified as follows: "in connection with latest frequent cases of pollution of atmospheric air in Atyrau". December 21 2015, 09:50 6 903 просмотрs
Ecology Atyrau resident pays attention of the authorities to a sad state of the Ural River (+Video) The resident of Atyrau made a video where he called the authorities to pay attention to a deplorable condition of the Ural River embankment. December 15 2015, 10:19 8 171 просмотрs
Ecology It is snowing in Atyrau … It was snowing today in Atyrau, it was the first snow this year and the first one in autumn… November 18 2015, 17:22 6 731 просмотрs
Ecology First snow in Tengiz, but it is still early for cold weather According to Kulaina Myrzasheva, the head of weather forecast department of "Kazhydromet" regional branch, tonight air temperature will drop down to -1 degree C. In Sagiz and Ganyushkino villages the temperature dropped down to -8 degrees C. November 10 2015, 12:04 8 164 просмотрs
Ecology Upcoming week will be cold "Kazhydromet" weather forecasting agency informed that warm weather will only come at the end of next week. October 9 2015, 16:12 10 258 просмотрs
Ecology Cold snap and wet snow in the western regions of Kazakhstan Weather forecast for 8-10 October, 2015 from Kazhydromet. October 7 2015, 11:58 4 915 просмотрs
Ecology Tomorrow you are invited to public hearings on Kashagan Tomorrow, September 23, at 11.00 o'clock in Renaissance hotel NCOC will hold public hearings on the draft Plan of nature protection activities for 2016. September 22 2015, 15:47 5 123 просмотрs
Ecology "We don't need others poison!" Atyrau against the construction of resistant organic pollutants utilization plant The plant for utilization of dangerous wastes (pesticides and toxic chemicals) could be built in Atyrau Oblast. At the moment the government is inclined to make such decision. However local authorities are categorically against it. August 18 2015, 18:01 5 002 просмотрs
Ecology "The Ural River is turning into a bog" Laboratory analyses that were ordered by our newspaper showed that the river water doesn't contain any impurities. August 17 2015, 11:00 5 931 просмотрs
Ecology No polluting substances found in the river According to preliminary results of laboratory researches a small excess of phenol has been found in water samples on August 10, - informed over the phone the head of Zhaik-Caspian basin inspectorate for regulation of use and protection of water resources Bisen Kuanov. August 17 2015, 10:12 4 391 просмотрs
Ecology August 12 - the Day of the Caspian Sea, the holiday with tears in the eyes On August 12, Atyrau celebrated the Day of the Caspian Sea.The festive event was organized by NCOC - the operator of the North Caspian project and the government administration of Atyrau Oblast. The oil company coincided with this event the presentation of the book "Monitoring of Surrounding Environment of the Northeast Caspian Sea During Development of Oil Fields". It is the collection of scientific articles based on results of ecological researches within the framework of implementation of the North Caspian project during the period from 1993 to 2006. The authors, mainly from Almaty, were invited to the event (see on the photo). August 14 2015, 15:11 4 774 просмотрs
Ecology It's not a paint - Nature protection prosecutor about green colour of the River Ural The abnormal situation on the River Ural where water at its coastal part has a saturated greenish-blue color and oily density, caused concern among the residents. There are various versions - including the version that large volumes of green paint had got into the river. August 11 2015, 16:30 4 430 просмотрs
Ecology Bird flu revealed in dead gannet in Atyrau region The Italian specialists have discovered the bird flu H5 N1 in the dead gannet in Atyrau region. July 14 2015, 11:29 4 445 просмотрs
Ecology Temperature hits 54 degrees Celsius in Atyrau Abnormally hot weather has been tormenting Atyrau for two weeks already. June 30 2015, 16:00 4 525 просмотрs
Ecology Crude oil spill stretching over a hectare discovered in steppe During the raid organized by the nature protection prosecutor's office on the territory of Makat Distrct, the team discovered oil spill along the railroad located between Karabatan station and Taskesken double track station. June 19 2015, 17:19 4 475 просмотрs
Ecology Fire at local landfill On June 17, at 7:00am fire broke out at a city landfill in Atyrau. June 17 2015, 11:39 4 819 просмотрs
Ecology Hydrogen sulfide footprints lead to Rotten valley "Ak Zhaik" newspaper has learnt about the results of the “Complex research of impact of Atyura Refinery and other production facilities (located within the city bopundaries) on the condition of environment and health of Atyrau population" for 2014. June 9 2015, 15:29 4 575 просмотрs
Ecology Fish swam into canal to die Mass fish death registered in At Otkel canal located in Kurmangazy District. The reason of death is the same as it was with recent mass fish death at Shmanozek channel located on the territory of Ak Zhaik wildlife reserve - lack of oxygen. May 22 2015, 10:02 4 213 просмотрs
Ecology Mass fish mortality in Shmanozek channel Mass mortality of common fresh water fish has been registered in Shmanozek fish by-pass channel located on the territory of “Ak Zhaik" wildlife reserve. May 15 2015, 14:07 4 027 просмотрs
Ecology Emergency response center was summoned at 2 o'clock at night According to Emergency Situations Department data as of May 12 in Atyrau 42 houses got waterlogged due to heavy rainfall. No victims reported, 123 people have been evacuated. May 13 2015, 10:35 4 002 просмотрs
Ecology Kashagan: everything is insured, except … A comment under the article "Kashagan as premonition" published on “AkZhaik" website inquired why criminal case hasn't been initiated still against contracting companies that constructed faulty pipes in the North Caspian project. Pipes later required replacement. But this is, no hard feelings, please, a naive question, in the light of the Agreement signed in December of last year between the Kazakhstan party and NCOC - the operator of the North Caspian project (see "Everything was written off and still remained endebted to all"). May 6 2015, 15:50 4 936 просмотрs
Ecology Death of pelicans: still a mystery The working group engaged in investigation of mass death of Dalmatian pelicans in the delta of the Kigach river in Kurmangazy District still cannot establish the cause of death of birds, informed the chief of Atyrau inspectorate of forestry and fauna Murat Ermekkaliev at "Bekire-2015" headquarters' coordination meeting. To recall, about 70 carcasses of dead birds have been revealed by the specialists of NCOC company on April 11 during helicopter flight. April 28 2015, 12:12 3 912 просмотрs