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It's not a paint - Nature protection prosecutor about green colour of the River Ural

4 431 просмотрs

y Zulfiya Iskaliyeva

The abnormal situation on the River Ural where water at its coastal part has a saturated greenish-blue color and oily density, caused concern among the residents. There are various versions - including the version that large volumes of green paint had got into the river.

– According to preliminary assessments, this substance is of an organic origin, but it is not a paint. Currently, jointly with the representatives of ecology department we are taking water samples from the river, – said over the phone Zhaksylyk Sakimov, the assistant to the nature protection prosecutor of Atyrau Oblast. – We took samples in the lower part of the river, now we are going up the river to take additional samples.

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August 11 2015, 16:30

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