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Kazakhstan News

Kazakhstan piles pressure on activists ahead of election The interim president, meanwhile, claims he wants public dialogue. Kazakhstan News

Kazakhstan piles pressure on activists ahead of election The interim president, meanwhile, claims he wants public dialogue.

Authorities in Kazakhstan are escalating the pressure on their perceived foes just as the country prepares to go to the polls on June 9 to confirm its interim president, reports Eurasianet. Some activists have had their apartments subjected to aggressive snap raids, others are being summoned for questioning by law enforcement. In a couple of cases, protestors have been suddenly called up for military service. Photo June 9 2019, 12:49 116 860 просмотрs
​Kazakhstan To See Petrol Prices Rocket Again This Year Kazakhstan News

​Kazakhstan To See Petrol Prices Rocket Again This Year

Experts predict a resumption of growth in gasoline prices in Kazakhstan in April 2016, which is associated with a deficit of raw materials for petrol production in the republic and the rise in price of imported Russian fuel. According to Sergei Smirnov, an oil and gas market analyst, several factors can cause the rise of prices. First and foremost, it is reduction of the export duty, which allows for more profitably delivery of oil abroad in comparison with its processing at Kazakh refineries. February 25 2016, 15:48 7 697 просмотрs