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​"The Ural River is turning into a bog"

5 932 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeeva

Image 0Laboratory analyses that were ordered by our newspaper showed that the river water doesn't contain any impurities.

When the water in the Ural River started to get an unnatural blue colour, and we could not get any official comments as to the reasons of such phenomenon, “Ak Zhaik" newspaper ordered an independent examination. “Analytical Laboratory on Environmental Protection" LLP investigated for us the river water on several key parameters. Samples were taken in two points: above water intaking station and within the city boundaries - near Atyrau Sanatorium.

According to the director of laboratory Galiya Umbetalieva who never witnessed such phenomenon in the Ural River, one of her laboratory assistants from Uralsk city immediately assumed that it is a blue-green alga, and she claimed that Uralsk the water in creeks very often "blossoms" like this.

The conducted researches, at least, indirectly confirmed this version: there are no foreign substances of technogenic origin and pollution in the river water.

- Water is odorless, but the foam on the surface has unnatural turquoise color, - said Umbetalieva.

Laboratory assistants made an experiment and filled with this water a gar and closed it with the right lid to eliminate access of air. As they assumed, in warm environment and without oxygen alga in the jar started to decay and water started to rotten. Already on the next day the blue-green film was formed and settled on the bottom of the jar, typical to decaying ooze.

Later we received the results of analyses:

pH - at maximum-permissible concentration 6-9 – the results varied 8,54 to 8,63.

Oil products: at maximum concentration limit of 0,1 mg/dm3 - the results were 0,010-0,017.

APAV (surface-active substances): at maximum concentration limit of 0,5 mg/dm3 - revealed 0,275.

Chlorides: at maximum concentration limit of 350,0 mg/dm3 - results varied from 136,85 to 142,52.

CAO (chemical absorption of oxygen): at maximum concentration limit of 30,0 mg/dm3 – less than 5,0.

Nitrates: at maximum concentration limit of 45,0 mg/dm3 - revealed 0,19-0,43.

Nitrites: at maximum concentration limit of 3,3 mg/dm3 - revealed less than 0,01-0,146.

Ammonium ion: at maximum concentration limit of 2,0 mg/dm3 - revealed 0,10-0,48.

- In other words the water is normal?

- Frankly speaking, looking at this water we didn't expect to receive such results, but analyses showed that it is not polluted. Media is neutral, all other indicators that we managed to conduct researches, correspond to long-term monitoring parameters. Absolutely no changes in water composition.

- Why the Ural River went “blue"?

- The river really “blossoms" - the level of water dropped and the strong heat reaches the bottom of the river.

- Is this a temporary phenomenon?

- You know, I am afraid of one thing - if water in the river will continue to decrease, then it can turn into a tendency. In fact, the Ural River is turning into a bog. I am not an expert in this issue, but I often hear at the meetings that the reason for this lies above (upstream - Z.B.). There are too many water reservoirs built that led to reduction of water in our river. During Soviet period it was forbidden to build reservoirs along the Ural River, there were only two at that time. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union our neighbors built many new water storages.

August 17 2015, 11:00

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