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Mass fish mortality in Shmanozek channel

3 794 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeeva

Image 0Mass mortality of common fresh water fish has been registered in Shmanozek fish by-pass channel located on the territory of “Ak Zhaik" wildlife reserve.

The director of Ak Zhaik wildlife reserve Arman Kourmanbaev confirmed the fact of mass death of fish and informed that special commission was created consisting of representatives of wildlife reserve, institute of ichthyology, Atyrau territorial inspection of forestry and fauna and Kazhydromet.

- The reasons of fish death are still unknown and representatives of the commission must take all necessary samples for their research, - said Kourmanbaev.

One of theversions is oxygen starvation. There is an assumption that fish actively swam into the dead-end channel filled with rain water and its abundance caused deficiency of oxygen that led to choking of fish.

May 15 2015, 14:07

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