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COVID-19 confirmed at the Tengiz rotational village camp

Breaking News
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This morning, 4 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in Atyrau region.

One of the infected with COVID-19 turned out to be a 50-year-old woman, according to the Regional Communications Service of Atyrau Oblast.

According to the Atyrau Oblast Health Department, a woman born in 1970 worked in one of the contracting organizations of TCO LLP in the Tengiz field, the sick woman lived in the Vaternas rotational village camp. Currently, the woman is hospitalized in the infectious isolation ward, the responsible authorities have established a circle of close and potential contacts, work is underway to isolate them in quarantine hospitals.

- The fact of coronavirus infection will not affect the activity of production work, TCO has organized all work to protect its employees, all workers at the Tengiz field are provided with personal protective equipment, disinfection work is carried out regularly at all facilities, at the entrance to the production complex of TCO LLP four sanitary posts have been installed, the company’s management said.

Thus, to date, 36 cases have been confirmed in the Atyrau region.

April 8 2020, 13:53

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