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​"It is prohibited to enter and leave the city of Atyrau." Order imposing restrictive measures during quarantine

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A resolution was issued on the introduction of additional restrictive measures in the territory of the Atyrau region under the signature of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Atyrau Region Meiyrzhan YESIMBAYEV.

Resolution on the introduction of additional restrictive measures in the territory of the Atyrau region with special conditions of economic and (or) other activities and life of the population.

In accordance with article 21, paragraph 13, subparagraph 4, and article 148, paragraph 1, of the Health of the People and Health System Code and the protocol order of the State Commission for the Maintenance of the State of Emergency of 26 March 2020, No. 6, Regulation No. 3771-1915-01 of the State University "On the Department of Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of the Atyrau Region," and to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, I DECREE:

To announce a quarantine in the city of Atyrau and the following restrictive events on the Atyrau region from 00:00 o'clock in the morning on March 30, 2020 till 07:00 o'clock on April 15, 2020

1. In order to comply with restrictive measures during the State of Emergency in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (hereinafter - COVID-19):

1) entry and exit from Atyrau city is prohibited (entry and exit to places of permanent residence is permitted until 00-00 h. 02.04.2020);

2) it is prohibited for residents of districts to move between regions, districts and the city of Atyrau;

3) to prohibit passenger transport by official and non-official (not registered) private carriers between regions and between regions;

4) stop the activity of all bus stations, motor stations;

5) stop inter-area passenger services on railway tracks from April 01, 2020;

6) to stop all flights of Atyrau International Airport, except for government flights and flights agreed with the Chairman of the Atyrau Regional Commission for the Maintenance of the State of Emergency;

7) it is prohibited to leave places of residence, except in the following cases:

- Purchase of food, basic necessities, medicines and medical products;

- Going to work;

- Seeking medical assistance;

8) residents over 65 years of age not to leave houses and apartments on the street without special need;

9) wear a mask when travelling outside places of residence, use disposable gloves and have skin antiseptics for hands;

10) walk with children within a radius of not more than 500 meters from the place of residence and for not more than 30 minutes;

11) stop the activity of shopping and entertainment centers and markets with the exception of food supermarkets, food counters, pharmacies and trade of basic necessities;

12) stop the activity of non-food shopping centers, separate non-food stores, auto salons, auto parts sales salons, flower pavilions, dry cleaners, laundry rooms, photo shop, photo salons, opticians, pawn shops, real estate agencies, car washes, maintenance stations, sauna, baths, fitness clubs, gym, sports complexes, swimming pools, beauty salons, spa centers, nail studios, barbershops, computer clubs, children 's playgrounds in the premises, contact zoos, ice rinks, exhibitions and other similar services;

13) allow restaurants, cafes, bars, dining rooms and other catering facilities to operate only on the principle of "delivery to customers" from 10-00 to 20-00 hours;

14) stop the activity of preschool institutions regardless of the form of ownership;

2. Akimats of Atyrau city and districts to ensure:

1) closing of places of mass gathering of the population, including frequently visited places (streets) for walking, parks, squares, quays, squares, children's playgrounds and other places of recreation of citizens;

2) restriction the operation of inland public transport to 06:00 to 19:00;

3) recommend to organisations, regardless of ownership, to take measures to reduce the working week or working hours;

4) strengthening of disinfection processing, including with use of detergents, public land crosswalks, sidewalks, parks, squares, squares, domestic platforms in the territory of housing estates, (including game, sports grounds), adjacent territories to major supermarkets, railway and bus stations, territories of markets;

5) monitoring compliance with quarantine and restrictive measures by business entities in the respective territories;

together with apartment owners' cooperatives:

6) ensure that residents of serviced houses are informed about the need to comply with the quarantine and restrictive measures imposed in order to prevent the spread of the disease of COVID-19;

7) place on the bulletin boards and in other places available for review a note about restrictions for physical and legal entities;

8) provide preventive disinfection and wet cleaning in entrances, elevators, parking at least 2 times a day.

3. Head of Police Department of Atyrau region:

1) to organize block posts within the boundaries of the city of Atyrau together with the Department of Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services, regional "West"command commander of the troops;

2) if violations of quarantine and restrictive measures are detected, ensure the immediate adoption of measures within the framework of its competence and the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as wide dissemination of these facts in the media for preventive purposes;

3) in order to prevent the presence of citizens in public places, parks, squares, etc., strengthen measures to patrol them;

4) prevent the movement of persons in groups of more than 3 persons, except family members, as well as the movement of unaccompanied minors;

5) to ensure the cordon of the quarantine zone, to prevent the possibility of penetration into the city by pedestrians, as well as unauthorized penetration in all modes of transport;

6) to take special control of the work on suppression of rumors and provocative information, in case of detection of facts, to take immediate measures to bring the guilty persons to justice provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to stop further dissemination of rumors and provocative information;

7) monitoring compliance of citizens with the regime of home quarantine without the right to move on the street;

8) isolation and protection in provision and quarantine contact hospitals;

9) to ensure unimpeded movement of employees around the city according to the list approved by the Regional Commission for the Maintenance of the State of Emergency;.

4. Head of Health Department of Atyrau region

1) prohibit visits to patients hospitalized in hospitals and reception of transmissions;

2) limit the planned hospitalization of patients in medical organizations;

3) ensure strict observance of sanitary-disinfection and anti-epidemic regime at health facilities;

4) ensure the use of masks or respiratory devices of high degree of protection, rubber gloves by medical personnel and personnel, whose actions are related to examination, transportation, work in hearths, hospitalization, treatment and care of patients;

5) ensure compliance with the measures of sub-paragraph (4) in quarantine hospitals;

6) transfer to the format of remote services reception of doctors of organizations of Primary Health Care, as well as online issuance or delivery of prescriptions to the house.

5. Organizations, business entities, non-governmental organizations providing food, catering services and drugs:

1) wet cleaning using disinfectants and detergents every 2-3 hours;

2) carry out inspection and cleaning of plenum and exhaust ventilation in buildings;

3) ensure that workers and visitors are checked by contactless thermometers and for symptoms of respiratory diseases;

4) ensure the work of sellers and other workers in contact with visitors, protective masks with their replacement every two hours, protective glasses and rubber gloves;

5) allow visitors to enter the facilities only in medical masks;

6) to ensure the placement of markings in the passages to distinguish the movement of customers and to observe the distances of 2 meters in front of all cash registers in shops, supermarkets and shopping houses, when creating queues to allow persons to enter the premises of objects in turn taking into account capacity;

7) install additional fences 10 meters before the cash register;

8) to ensure the organization of the above-mentioned order in the places of formation of queues and to install the information board on observance of the distance in the queue before entering the food departments;

9) recommend to business entities the maximum use of internet resources for online sales of goods with organization of delivery to the house of food products and essential goods

6. Head of the Department of Internal Policy of Atyrau region:

1) to ensure mass awareness-raising work on prevention of coronavirus infection, quarantine regime in Atyrau city and restrictive measures in Atyrau region by means of distribution of posters, announcements, infographics, videos, etc.

7. Сooperatives of owners of apartments (all forms), owners of hotels, hostels, dormitories to ensure:

1) strengthening the sanitary and disinfection regime in public areas, children's and sports grounds, in recreational zones of yards;

2) prevent gathering of people and ensure that the distance between them is not less than 2 meters;

3) work of catering facilities at hotels and hotels to be organised by delivery of food to rooms.

8. Heads of utility enterprises of the region (electric, heat, water supply and others), head of the Department of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of Atyrau region,

1) take into account the seasonal flooding period, strengthen measures to desinfect drinking water in the urban household and drinking water pipeline;

2) ensure timely elimination of accidents on networks and structures of water supply and sewerage with subsequent monitoring of the measures carried out, including laboratory testing;

3) provide employees with personal protective equipment (masks), restrict the movement of employees within structural subdivisions, prevent their close contact with each other;

4) strengthen disinfection regime in public areas;

5) transfer workers not connected with the main technological process to the remote form of work;

6) at checkpoints and passage points ensure check of incoming workers by contactless thermometers and for symptoms of respiratory diseases.

9. Head of the Department of Roads and Passenger Transport of Atyrau region together with Akims of Atyrau city and districts to ensure:

1) the number of passengers entering public transport is no more than the number of seats;

2) single-stage opening of all doors in buses for entrance and exit of passengers;

3) treatment of public transport with the use of detergents and disinfectants before each trip;

4) treatment of bus stops at least twice a day;

5) operation of masked bus drivers and rubber gloves with replacement every two hours, availability of dispensers with skin antiseptic at bus entrances;

6) inclusion in the pre-shift medical examination of bus drivers mandatory examination for symptoms of COVID-19.

10. Heads of State bodies, organizations, business entities and non-governmental organizations shall prohibit:

1) carrying out cultural, mass, sports, religious, festive and other events;

2) travel of employees of organizations and enterprises outside the city;

3) to strengthen sanitary and educational work among the population on measures to prevent coronavirus infection, with a focus on compliance with the home quarantine and the need to seek timely medical care in case of symptoms of the disease.

11. Heads of territorial departments of quality control and safety of goods and services of Atyrau region to provide

1) enhanced monitoring of compliance with sanitary and disinfection regime in hospitals and quarantined facilities;

2) monitoring the implementation of sanitary-preventive and anti-epidemic measures on the appointed territory, objects of mass gathering of the population.

12. This resolution shall be communicated to all concerned departments, the population should be informed through the media and social networks.

13. The resolution is mandatory for all physical and legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership.

14. I reserve control over the implementation of this Resolution.

15. This resolution shall enter into force on the date of signing.

Chief state sanitary doctor of Atyrau region M. Yesimbayev

March 29 2020, 23:07

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