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Criminal case to be initiated over death case from meningitis in Tengiz

2 780 просмотрs

By Murat Sultangaliev

Criminal case will be initiated over the death case of 41-y.o. employee of one of contracting companies that took place on January 26 in TCO clinic at the rotational camp (see “Worker died from meningitis infection in Tengiz” ). 

The punitive article will depend on the official results of forensic dissection that will be obtained shortly. The body of the deceased citizen of the East Kazakhstan Oblast has been transferred to his relatives for burial, - informed Zhanibek Karazhanov, the deputy prosecutor of Zhyloi Distrct.

According to Amantai Zhumagaliev, the deputy chief of the regional consumer rights protection department, the initial diagnosis “Meningitis. Meningococcemia” has been  confirmed after bacteriological analysis. The second worker, 23-y.o. citizen from the same region, who was also diagnosed with similar disease, has already recovered. Epidemiological supervision over the source of outbreak has been lifted. The recovered employee and three other colleagues that contacted them and were put into clinic for quarantine, have already returned to their workplaces.

February 2 2015, 12:01

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