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Home Alone Politics

Home Alone

Allegations of various media about the arrest of the former governor Bergei RYSKALIYEV in the Atyrau airport in an attempt to leave the country are not true. There are charter flights available in Aktau, Uralsk and Atyrau - feel free to escape. Should you board in a private plane without any registration and fly away, nobody would know it. Currently the ex-akim is under home arrest. A source in a force structure told our newspaper about the emerging scandal around the ex-administrators of the oblast and the other facts. August 23 2012, 20:33 6 114 просмотрs
One flew over the Hawk’s nest Politics

One flew over the Hawk’s nest

“As per the Presidential Decree, Bergei RYSKALIYEV is relieved from his position as the Akim of Atyrau Oblast due to health conditions,” the official report states. To recall, when presenting the new akim, 64 year old Baktykozha IZMUKHAMBETOV, President Nursultan NAZARBAYEV pointing out the merits of young Ryskaliyev stated the latter would be assigned to another position. But he didn’t say a word about his health.  August 23 2012, 20:31 11 234 просмотрs
Who will be saving the Caspian? Ecology

Who will be saving the Caspian?

On the eve of the Caspian Day the meeting of the local NGOs with the reps of government agencies that are responsible for the preservation of the sea, took place at the Zhaik-Caspisky Aarhus Center. The Aarhus Center Director Shynar IZTELEUOVA stated with regret that even after ratification of the international conventions, very few people know about them, and they actually don’t work. Although there are only a few months left before the start of the large-scale oil production at Kashagan. August 23 2012, 20:11 5 377 просмотрs