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About the open letter of deputies

4 637 просмотрs

Each of the signers of the letter, as an individual, has the right to write such a letter that emerged recently at a brand new website ( and so far at unofficial pro-government media only. But as a separate individual. The fact that this letter is signed by the majority of local deputies and members of Mazhilis who represent Atyrau Oblast, means it reflects the political position of all representatives of regional government. Their challenge to ‘unify efforts’ of all people of Atyrau and ‘take severe measures’ means the political elite of the oblast is able to mobilize the whole population of the oblast to defense of the person, whom the President has dismissed due to health condition. Such a thundering unanimous support by absolute majority of deputies and the people towards the ex-governor Ryskaliyev, automatically challenges the propriety of the President’s decision in relation to this political figure. Not only it demonstrates the doubt in the presidential decision, but shows the strength of the local elite as well, which is able to debate over the central power’s rule.

Law enforcement agencies demonstrated full lack of independence and clear position of its heads during the President’s absence (visit to Kyrgyzstan). Now most people doubt the ability of these agencies to counter coup d’état attempts when the President is away.   

Given this, the general weakness of the central power and the willingness of the local elite to mobilize its members and the people to targets which it chooses independently (protects a dismissed official today and a foreign capital appointee tomorrow), creates a threat of country break up.

By Ak Zhaik Editors

August 27 2012, 13:37

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