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​Prosecutor's office investigates why border guards didn't find a large batch of heroin

6 909 просмотрs

By Murat Sultangaliev

Image 0Criminal investigation initiated by military prosecutor's office of the western region upon detection by the Russian frontier guards of 33 kg of heroin has temporarily suspended. The military prosecutor of the western region Zhanbolat Aiekenov reported this during the briefing about the results of the year.

To recall, on October 15 of last year at Aksaraisk – Zheleznodorozhnaya station the Russian frontier guards found in one of the railcars of the train "Dushanbe — Moscow" a hiding-place with 33 kg of heroin. And this despite the fact that earlier the railcar was checked by Kazakhstan frontier guards at Ganyushkino station and they found no problems (see. "Russians knew where to look for?").

This train entered the territory of Kazakhstan through Beineu station and left through check point at "Ganyushkino". the Russian intelligence services had already the information there is a large freight of drugs,. This was obvious because they immediately put the "heroin" railcar #10 on a side-track and started to cut it to parts. Other railcars weren't touched. Heroine was found behind a boiler in a metal panelling of the railcar, i.e. this freight was in advance planned for transportation, – said Aiekenov. – The case has been temporarily stopped before obtaining other missing materials from law enforcement agencies of Russia. Only after they receive the documents the military prosecutor's office of the western region will give an assessment to the actions of the Kazakhstan frontier guards.

February 2 2016, 11:56

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