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​2 tons of sturgeon and 25 kg of black caviar destroyed in furnace

12 101 просмотрs

By Murat Sultangaliev

Image 0On December 28 2032 kg of sturgeon fish and 25,8 kg of black caviar were destroyed in the furnace of “West Dala" waste management company.

These fish products were confiscated from poachers during the year 2014 and destroyed in connection with expiration of storage time.

We contacted Nariman Zhounousov, the Vice-Chairman of the RoK Fishery Committee. He reported the following:

According to Art. 11-1 of the RoK Law "On Protection, Reproduction and Use of Fauna", the price of products sold by the entities of state monopolies is established by the authorized body (the Ministry of Agriculture) in coordination with antimonopoly body. The prices for the entity of the state monopoly (i.e. Ural-Atyrau sturgeon fish-breeding plant) were approved only the other day; a relevant instruction was issued. Therefore the plant couldn't sell sturgeons and caviar that were confiscated from poachers. And now the plant will be able to sell fish products that were obtained in such way.
December 30 2015, 15:00

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