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There will be less lights on Christmas trees

5 626 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Iskalieva

Image 0On December, 18 the city Mayor Nurlybek Ozhaev lit the main Christmas trees on Makhambet and Issatai Square. Sanagul Kuanysheva, the pupil of boarding school # 1 helped the Mayor to lit the main tree in the city.

Then there was a show on the square with participation of dancing groups “Zhaik Kyzy", “Ouspekh" (Success), “Natali" and “Fantyaziya" children's vocal ensemble.

The height of the main fir-tree in the city – 23 meters. The city administration plans to decorate another 15 Christmas trees trees in Atyrau. This year for lighting of fur-trees the city allocated 23 million tenge, which is much less compared to last year's budget of 40 million.

Photo from “Ak Zhaik" newspaper archive

December 22 2015, 14:49

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