Atyrau, July 27 05:59
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​How we are going to celebrate the City Day

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Image 0According to the tradition Atyrau will celebrate the City Day at the beginning of October. The festive program is very rich and varied:


Event: Competition of young talents - "Zhana tolkyn-2015" (New wave-2015)

Venue: House of Culture named after Kurmangazy

Time: 7pm


Event: Exhibition of artists, photographers and masters of applied arts "Ezhelgi Guriev - Zhanargan Atyrau" (Old Guriev - New Atyrau) Venue: House of Culture named after Kurmangazy

Time: 10am


Event: Fair of agricultural products

Venue: In front of "Munaishy" sport complex and on Mukashev Boulevard in Privokzalny (near railway station)

Time: from early morning

Also sports tournaments, as well as variety concerts will be held on above platforms.

Event: Concert of ethno-cultural associations and youth centers and

Event: Children's competition of drawings on asphalt

Venue: Beibarys Square (in front of regional government building)

Time: 11am

Event: bicycle race and cross country running

Venue: Beibarys Square (in front of regional government building)

Time: 11.15am

Event: Concert by musicians of the National Music Academy

Venue: in front of Dina Nurpeissova monument

Time: 11.30am

Event: Parade of military garrisons and Сeremony of laying flowers at Eternal Flame

Venue: Victory Park

Time: 12pm

Event: Concert of Academic national instruments orchestra named after D. Nurpeissova,

Event: Mass-cultural program - “Gouldenip, korkee ber, Atyraum!" and

Event: Food fair

Venue: Issatai and Makhambet Square

Time: 3pm

Event: Gala-concert of Kazakhstan singing stars followed by fireworks

Venue: Issatai and Makhambet Square

Time: 7pm

Parade of ships (at 7pm) opposite Beibarys Square (in front of regional government building)

September 30 2015, 11:31

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