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​Pedophile sentenced to 17 years

4 008 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeeva

Image 0On July 27, specialized inter-district criminal court sentenced pedophile who for three years abused his younger stepsister. He is sentenced to 17 years of imprisonment in maximum security penal colony.

The defendant is from Aktobe Oblast, the last years he lived in Kyzyl-koga District.

"According to investigation, 28-y.o. married man Zh.T. in drunk condition, using helpless situation of the victim, for 3 years had sex with the girl who was underage under the threat of murder. This fact was confirmed by the results of examination", - reads the report of the press service of Atyrau regional court.

He is found guilty as per item 4 of Article 120 ("Rape made in relation to underage") and item 4 of Article 121 ("Actions of sexual character with application of violence or threat of its application, made in relation to underage") of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan.

At the time of commission of the first crime the victim was 12 years old.

The sentence didn't enter into force yet.
July 29 2015, 10:53

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