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Forgotten melody for a trombone

4 670 просмотрs

By Zeena Urynbassarova

In the regional philharmonic hall named after N. Zhanturin the new musical band - light music orchestra has been created. The head of the orchestra is the jazzman Alexei Nazarikov from the neighboring Astrakhan, who in various years played with famous American jazz musicians such as Nicholas Beard, Dennis Rowland, Mandy Gaines and Tekora Rogers.

On February 7, at 5:00pm the orchestra will perform at the local Drama Theater. The orchestra has already made its first night performance a month ago. The premiere of the new band turned out to be very spectacular: live sound, shiny white suits of the musicians, hits of 70-80s and jazz arrangements of forgotten melodies. Alexei Nazarikov also played solo on a trumpet accompanied by his orchestra.

One could see that it’s been a ling time since the spectators missed live music performance played by variety orchestra, as well as singers of Atyrau Philharmonic who performed with obvious enthusiasm under the orchestra’s accompaniment.

Singer Akmaral MashimovaSinger Akmaral MashimovaIn the orchestra the musicians from Astrakhan philharmonic hall make wind section: saxophones, pipes, trombones, and local musicians play in rhythm group - electric guitars, drums, keyboard. So you could say that it is now an international band. The orchestra performs not only in Atyrau, but also in Astrakhan.

We have many great Atyrau musicians who good at playing national instruments, but with the variety music the situation is much worse. So, this, so called, highly professional “hybrid” has not been formed by chance.

Alexei NazarikovAlexei Nazarikov… Somewhere from the middle of 90s the local variety singers started to sing with  “minus” (it is a ready musical accompaniment) and even with “plus” (full soundtrack). Today, unfortunately, it has become a norm both for the audience and the singers. But “digitally tuned” accompaniment and voice don’t touch your soul as the live performance would. After all, the purpose of music is to touch the hearts of the audience.

Perhaps, the invitation of musicians from abroad is a fast way of achieving the result. After all, our city has been waiting for such orchestra for a long time. But by doing so, we should also work on educating our own professional musicians and if we need to invite highly qualified music teachers from overseas, then we should, probably, do so.

And to the new orchestra we wish big achievements and waiting for their new interesting programs.

Photos taken by the author

February 5 2015, 16:10

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