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New EU Rights Envoy Promises To Raise Issues With Russia, Kazakhstan

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Stavros Lambrinidis. Credit:rferl.orgThe new EU special representative for human rights, Stavros Lambrinidis, has vowed to raise rights issues in his meetings with Russia and Kazakhstan on Sunday. 

Lambrinidis told members of the European Parliament that in the three months since he took over he has already been in touch with counterparts in both Moscow and Astana and promised to continue to engage in dialogue.

He noted that the EU had voiced concerns recently over new Russian treason legislation and measures aimed at making life harder for nongovernmental organizations.

Lambrinidis added that he would also bring up the case of Kazakh opposition leader Vladimir Kozlov.

Kozlov was recently sentenced to 7 1/2 years in prison on charges of calling for the overthrow of the government during the Kazakh oil workers' protests in December 2011.


December 2 2012, 19:26

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