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Google Translate includes Kazakh language

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The Google Internet company announced the start of translation service for the Kazakh language, refers to News Kazakhstan agency.

The Google-translator started in a test mode the mirror translations from the Kazakh language into English and back, in a full look they, probably, will be started until the end of 2014, the head of "WikiBilim" Rauan Kenzhekhanuly said today during a weekly press conference in Central Communications Service under the President of Kazakhstan, correspondent reports.

"One and a half years ago we started to think about this subject, the question was how to include the Kazakh language in this translation system, - says Kenzhekhanuly . “With this question we addressed to the Google company. Representatives of the company told that for this purpose it is necessary to provide system with a large number of the mirror translations from the Kazakh language into English and back. Thus, this machine translation system has an opportunity to seize algorithm of the Kazakh language and after a while will be able to build already the first options of the translations," the project manager said. 

I hope that until the end of 2014 we will manage to declare that the translation system with Kazakh into English and back on the basis of Google-translator is started and fully works," he added. 

December 12 2014, 11:59

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