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Governor Baktykozha Izmukhambetov: “Six billion for the Forum? No, we didn’t spend that much!”

10 328 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeeva

B. Izmukhambetov, Atyrau Oblast GovernorB. Izmukhambetov, Atyrau Oblast GovernorOn October 17, during the briefing at the Central Communications Service under the President of Kazakhstan the Governor of Atyrau Oblast Baktykozha Izmukhambetov made the report titled “About social and economic development of the region and implementation of the state and industry programs".

There is no need to repeat all figures and data that were published in the articles covering B. Izmukhambetov's presentations and speeches, including the ones published in our newspaper. Except, perhaps, one curious information: achieving the target set by N. Nazarbayev to increase an average life expectancy of Kazakhstan citizens up to 80 years –the average life expectancy of Atyrau citizens in the last two years has already “grew up" for one year and now it equals to 70 years.

About Atyrau-Astrakhan highway, petrol and diligence

The part where the Governor answered the questions was much more interesting.

About Atyrau-Astrakhan highway:

- This is 377 kilometers of badly worn-out road. This year we did a routine repair. To-date the design and estimate documentation of 2008 became absolutely obsolete. It is scheduled to do update of the design documentation during 2015-2017 and commence construction. These are the data that is available so far, - vaguely answered Izmukhambetov.

About monotowns, Kulsary, in particular:

- In 2012-2013 over 800 million tenge had been allocated for replacement of a thermal boiler and heating main, as well as for subsidizing of an interest rate for businessmen. In 2014 1,4 billion tenge have been allocated to the city of Kulsary: for infrastructure development, particularly for road repairs and again for the support of small and medium businesses..

About recent petrol deficiency in Atyrau region when we have oil refinery:

- As you know, all three Kazakhstan refineries are in process of reconstruction. Reconstruction of Atyrau oil refinery consists of two stages. The first stage will be completed this year. The project envisages the production of aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, paraxylol, eksilol. The second stage advanced petroleum refining will be completed at the end of 2016. Due to the shortage of high-octane gasoline the petrol deficiency is felt from time to time, but the issue has been resolved.


- They say that 6 billion tenge were spent during preparation and holding of interregional Forum of Kazakhstan and Russia. Could you specify how much and on what the money was spent?

- 70 million tenge was spent for the organization of the Forum. We built the House of ceremonies and now we are changing its name to the Marriage registration palace. We built it because we didn’t have a suitable building. The exhibition complex is handed over to SPK “Caspy”for holding various events there. Where did you get this information?! We haven’t spent that much. ! We even hadn’t had half of that money …


- In the last 8-10 years in Atyrau the summers are much hotter than in previous years. Is it connected with a large number of enterprises in the city? Are you planning to move them out of the city boundaries? What measures will be undertaken to improve the air quality?

-The last summer was really hot, but the previous one wasn’t. The plants have nothing to do with that. We have 10 air monitoring stations in the city that operate round-the-clock. We have only one plant in the city - Atyrau Munai Onimderi JSC, all the rest of the plants are outside the city boundaries - in the suburbs.

At the end of the briefing the moderator assured that all questions addressed to B. Izmukhambetov will be handed over to him personally, and he will respond to each question in a written form.

October 19 2014, 02:00

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