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In anticipation of billions in environmental fines

3 339 просмотрs

By Saule Tasboulatova

The Ecology Department of Atyrau Oblast appealed to Specialized inter-district economic court with the statement of claim about collecting from Agip KCO an ecological fine amounting to 134,2bn tenge.

To recall, the instruction about compensation of ecological damage caused as a result of burning nearly 3mln cubes of gas, was issued to NCOC and Agip KCO in March of this year based on the results of unscheduled audit, which was conducted during technological failures of gas pipeline near Bolashak plant.

NCOC and Agip tried to challenge the instruction of the Ecology Department in the court twice.  However, in both instances their complaints were left without satisfaction.

Currently the department of ecology tries to collect the fine through the court. Where, or to be exact, to which budget will these 134.2bn tenge go, in case the company pays them as per court’s decision? According to the economist Olzhas Khudaibergenov fines and other similar receipts from companies of oil sector go to National fund of Kazakhstan.

July 11 2014, 15:07

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