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Ex-Governor’s Case. Kindergardens in Basements

4 780 просмотрs

By Saule Tasboulatova

According to Faruza Shangereeva, who occupied the position of the head of the city education department from October, 2011 till July, 2012, the basement floors belonged to ex-governor’s son-in-law. So she was told in the city department of housing and communal services:

- When I started working in the city education department and studied the documents, I noticed that a big amount of money was allocated for purchasing of basement floors that later were supposed to be used as kindergartens. Then I together with my accountant and economist booked an appointment with Aitbaev and tried to explain to him the inexpediency of the use of basement floors for kindergartens. The basements were hangar type premises. But Aitbaev asked asked the accountant and the economist to leave his office and told me in private that this was the governor’s instruction and that basement floors belonged to governor’s son-in-law.

After that conversation Shangereeva asked her deputy Kairat Khabiev to visit the city mayor’s office and once again to try to convince them. But the answer was that they must purchase basement floors.

- Then ex-mayor Askar Kerimov told me: “You are fired,” – said the  witness Shangereeva. –I knew that I’d better leave this position, because in May the session of the city administration approved a big amount of money for the purchase of basement  floors. I understood that it's better to leave.

In total 353mln tenge was allocated for the purchase of basement floors from the budget.

According to the former deputy chief of education deprtment Kairat Khabiyev, who was summoned as a witness, for this amount it was possible to build 2 kindergartens.

February 13 2014, 23:27

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