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Ex-Governor's Case. Amanzhan Ryskali's Video Message

7 163 просмотрs

By Saule Tasboulatova

On Feb, 6 the Atyrau specialized inter-district court on criminal cases continued hearing witnesses. The court played the fugitive Amanzhan Ryskali's video message. The recording is dated Feb 23, 2013. The court demanded and obtained the video from Atyrau city court No. 2 as per the lawyer T. Moukhatanova’s request, but it wasn’t explained at the court how this video appeared in judicial materials of another criminal case.

In this video message Amanzhan Ryskali tells his version about deals with nine apartments on 35 Satpayev Ave., built by AB Group company. The court singled out the deals with the apartments into a separate block, and currently this block is under the court’s review. In particular, the court is hearing the witnesses.

Here is the translation of A. Ryskali’s message made by the court translator: “I’ve known Nazmi Aliyev (in court Aliyev is called as one of AB Group founders – comment by S.T.) for several years. We used to meet with each other in certain instances connected with business. I don’t remember exactly, but at the end of 2005 or 2006 he told me that he is building a high-riser on Satpayev Ave. He said that he doesn't have enough money to finish the construction. He asked me to help him with money, but I heard that he had a habit of not returning money and I refused. Then he told me that if I help him out with finances, I can have 9 apartments at my disposal. Basically, the amount of loan that he asked equaled the cost of those nine apartments (in court they talked about 900 thousand dollars. – comment by S.T). After a few days I assisted him with money. I met him in my office, I paid him and he provided the contracts. I asked Samat, the lawyer in my office, to check the documents. Then I asked him to make contracts on behalf of nine people, whose names I provided. In a few days the contracts were ready and signed. At the end of construction and commissioning, I gave away a few apartments at my discretion to my friends at a low cost. Other apartments I sold at market price. Since at that time those nine apartments were registered as a private property on the names of nine people, I didn't take any receipts from Nazmi Aliyev, because I paid him for all those apartments according to the contracts. And in the future there were no claims raised and I even didn’t worry about it.

Now, when it is said that those apartments have been misappropriated, I don't agree with this and it isn't true. I consider that a certain political group has placed an order against me. Let the ordinary people have their say about how many disadvantaged people I helped. The people from Atyrau know that I never owed any money, even a penny, to anybody and that I never would have done that.

Currently, if I am persecuted for my lawful business, I think, I can be put into jail. This circumstance doesn’t allow me to come to court and provide evidences. I ask you not to accuse me”.

Photo and video by Kanat Eleuov

February 6 2014, 14:30

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