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“Cooperation, not confrontation better choice for India in Central Asian energy”, “EBRD to keep up investments in Kazakhstan, warns on bad loans”, “Kazakhstan Cook Off: Chefs Play with Horse Meat”, “Karimova Says Media Group Investigated For Bribe-Taking”

1 484 просмотрs “Cooperation, not confrontation better choice for India in Central Asian energy”- Central Asia is rich in oil and gas. China and India, with growing energy consumption, both need to participate in the region's energy exploration. As a result, the two have begun to compete in the region. Compared with Western energy companies, Chinese companies were latecomers in entering Central Asia's oil and gas sector. “EBRD to keep up investments in Kazakhstan, warns on bad loans” - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development urged Kazakhstan's central bank to take more radical action to reduce the high share of bad loans in the banking system that is acting as a drag on the economy. “Kazakhstan Cook Off: Chefs Play with Horse Meat” - Kazakhstan is not famous as a destination for gourmets, but a few chefs are trying to infuse a bit of excitement into a cuisine often accused of being unremittingly dull. The country’s first international culinary competition brought together around 100 chefs from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine and Russia last week in Kazakhstan’s commercial capital, Almaty. “Karimova Says Media Group Investigated For Bribe-Taking” - Gulnara Karimova, the daughter of Uzbek President Islam Karimov, says her Terra Group media holding company is being investigated for bribe-taking. Karimova wrote on Twitter on November 6 that many of Uzbekistan's popular entertainers have been forced to testify to the Prosecutor's Office that they paid bribes to Terra Group officials. Russia’s Spies Say Cooperating With British on Olympics” -  Russian security services said Friday that they are working with their British counterparts in the run-up to the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Intelligence cooperation between the two countries was halted following the fatal poisoning of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko with radioactive polonium-210 in London in 2006, an incident that badly damaged diplomatic relations between the two countries. “24-year-old gets into the Forbes’ list of 100 richest people in Kazakhstan”- Marat Abiyev, a 24-year-old head of KSP Steel based in Aktobe, is set to get into the Kazakh Forbes’ list of 100 richest people. His net worth is estimated at $11 million, according to

November 8 2013, 12:09

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