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Staff sorted out

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By Laura Suleimenova

On March 28 there was one issue on the agenda of the extraordinary session of Atyrau Oblast Maslikhat: establishment of the oblast cadre personnel commission within the framework of amendments to the civil service legislation that came into force on March 26.

To recall, civil servants will now be divided into three categories: the political and “A” and “B” administrative corps.

Mukhit Izbanov, the Chairman of the Atyrau Oblast Disciplinary Council under RoK Agency for Civil Service Affairs, informed that political civil servants in our oblast are 7 people: Atyrau Oblast Governor, his 5 deputies and the Governor of Atyrau city.

The heads of the oblast departments financed from the local budget, and the heads of territorial subdivisions of central state agencies are included into the administrative corps “A”.

The cadre personnel reserve of the “A” corps will be formed on the basis of decisions of the National commission on personnel policy under the RoK President. In the regions this function will be delegated to the oblast commissions. After Izbanov’s report the deputies elected the cadre personnel commission of Atyrau Oblast consisting of 5 people: Atyrau Oblast Governor (the chairman of the commission), the Head of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs- the Chairman of the Disciplinary Council (the deputy chairman), the head of the Atyrau Oblast Governor’s apparatus, the Secretary of the Oblast Maslikhat and the Chairman of Oblast Audit Commission. The Working Body of the Commission will be the Administration of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs.

April 2 2013, 15:30

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