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Kazakhstan to produce $5K electromobile

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Kazakhstan soon intends to start production of cheap cars driven by electrodraught, which is capable to travel about 300 km without re-charging.

The project is fully ready. $250 000 US worth business plan has already got attention of a  group of investors, reports citing

Electromobile will be presented at the World EXPO-2017 in Astana. 

The chief engineer of the project Arsen Goutanov said that the country needs its own automotive industry as a breadth of life, but the whole production cycle should take place in Kazakhstan. Therefore, a group of engineers developed a simple, but reliable electromobile. The heart of this vehicle - an electric motor- weighs 10 kg and it was invented at the time of the Soviet Union.

Lithium-ion accumulators will be purchased initially from China at the price of $400 dollars. The are charged from the standard sockets. The seats and dashboards will be purchased from the Russian supplier AvtoVAZ. The design weight of the car is 600 kg.

According to calculations, the prime cost of the Kazakhstan electromobile will be $2500US, and the sale price - $5 000US. As a comparison, in the USA an electromobile costs about $30 000US.

The developers say that their car can travel 300 km without additional charging. The full charging takes no more than 3-4 hours.


February 15 2013, 11:33

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