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Turkic Countries Create "Joint Armed Forces"

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EURASIANET.ORG - Turkic Countries Create "Joint Armed Forces" - Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Turkey have agreed to create a "joint armed forces of Turkic-language countries," the four countries decided at a "constitutive conference of the Association of Eurasian Law Enforcement Organs with Military Status" on January 23 in Baku. - The fate of Baikonur: Will Russia's space gates Open? - The current uncertainty surrounding space activities at Baikonur in 2013 may be eliminated on Wednesday when Kazakh prime minister, Kairat Kelimbetov, visits Russia to discuss several issues, including the famous cosmodrome

The Wall Street Journal - Israeli Jets Blast Arms Shipment Inside Syria - Israel bombed a suspected shipment of antiaircraft missiles in Syria on Wednesday, according to regional and U.S. officials, in its most ambitious strike inside its neighbor's territory in nearly two chaotic years of civil war there. - Why Russia is not losing Siberia - The Yellow Peril was a feature of life in Soviet times and the demographics on either side of the Russia-China border do little to convince the fearful that Siberia will not be colonised by the Chinese. This is unlikely, says Ben Judah, who has travelled in the region - Catastrophe: felines kill up to 25 billion birds and small mammals in US - Domestic cats in the United States kill up to 25 billion birds, mice, voles and other small mammals each year, according  to a study by biologists at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Washington.

January 31 2013, 12:11

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