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Main version of Almaty plane crash cause voiced

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Bad weather is believed to be the main cause for the plane crash near Almaty on January 29, reports a Tengrinews correspondent.

At a briefing, following evening, it was confirmed that all 16 passengers and 5 crew members died in the accident.

The version of fuel shortage was not considered, said Sabit Bitayev, head of emergency department.

Blackbox has been found at the crash site. It will be referred to Inter-governmental aviation committee.

1007 people and over 100 special vehicles are working at the scene.

The embassy of Azerbaijan denied a previously distributed rumor about an Azeri citizen onboard the crashed plane.

"Transport prosecutors provided us with false information about a passenger alleged to be an Azeri citizen among the dead. We requested his passport number and found out that Akram Nizamov was an Uzbek citizen" said Consul Shakhin Akhmedov, advisor to the ambassador of Azerbaijan to Kazakhstan.

At the same time SCAT airlines stated the passenger Nizamov was a citizen of Kyrgyzstan.

Among the other passengers of the crashed CRG-200 plane were 10 citizens of Kokshetau, 3 Almaty people, 1 person from Petropavlovsk and 1 from Schuchinsk.

The airlines company say there was a 1.5-year-old child, who had been traveling with his parents.

President Nursultan Nazarbayev declared January 31 a mourning day.


January 30 2013, 09:41

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