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Russia and Kazakhstan should equalize prices of oil products - Mynbayev

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Kazakh Minister of Oil and Gas Sauat Mynbayev Kazakh Minister of Oil and Gas Sauat Mynbayev Kazakh Minister of Oil and Gas Sauat Mynbayev believes it is important to eliminate a big difference in the prices of oil products between Russia and Kazakhstan. He said this today during an extended board meeting.

"We have to decide: we have no borders, no customs between Russia and Kazakhstan, in these circumstances, the price gap can not be large. Otherwise, it turns out that we import oil products, which we compensate for with oil, and partly diesel fuel. We get a triple loss," said S. Mynbayev.

The Minister stressed the need to build adequate and realistic pricing policy for oil products; otherwise it may be a deficit.

According to him, if there is a border between our countries, the situation will be different. "The fact is, there is no border, and we need to make decisions accordingly," concluded Mynbayev.


January 28 2013, 15:59

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