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Dog shooting in Atyrau playground during the day

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A video is circulating on social media: in the back of a pick up truck there are the corpses of dogs, an
employee of the shooting service loads a “fresh” dog corpse into the back, all of this is accompanied by
the indignant and angry commentary from the person who took the video. She is a resident of Atyrau,
Bizhamal Karazhanova. According to Bizhamal, the dog was just shot in Almagul near house number 2 in
front of children.

"This is the second time I have seen this person. The first time, they shot a dog in front of my 2-year-old
daughter. She wept bitterly as she had recently fed the same dog, Bizhamal explained emotionally to the
journalist when she was contacted by phone. The latest video was recorded on November 18 th at around
6pm when I was returning from work. The children were playing with the dog in the yard when she
suddenly fell over and died convulsing. The children were shocked and kept repeating ‘they killed the
dog, they killed the dog’. I recorded the footage as I cursed the people, they showed no reaction at all. I
know these dogs, they are peaceful and the children always play with them, they never bark.
Stray animals in Atyrau have recently been destroyed using air rifles firing darts with fast acting deadly

The children were very close to the dog and could have been hit. I have no words. If there is a complaint
from people about the animals, they should call a welfare organisation and give them the details and
date, this was the agreement,"
- continues Bizhamal who is involved in animal welfare. However, the
reality is that shooters arrive and destroy the animal immediately regardless if children are around.
The other violation is that these operations should only be carried out early in the morning or at night
when there is no risk to the public. Meanwhile as far as Ak Zhaiyk is aware, dog hunters earn (and very well)
according to information, for each dog killed. What rules do they follow? What is the tear of a child to

Journalist has contacted the city Akimat and the Police department who have undertaken to comment
here at a later stage.

by Farkhat ABILOV

November 20 2019, 19:33

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