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Atyrau City Day events schedule

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On 1 October, a series of festive events dedicated to Atyrau City Day begins. At 7pm, the opening ceremony of the Jastar Life Forum will be held on Issatay and Makhambet Square.

On 2 October at 10am the forum will begin its sectional work. At Atyrau State University, there will
be speakers talking on the topics of ‘Urban Studies’ and ‘Volunteering’. At the ‘House of Friendship’,
the topic of ‘Financial Literacy’ will be discussed. ‘Entrepreneurship’ is the topic to be discussed at
the building of the regional branch of the Nur Otan Party and ‘Art’ will be studied at the ‘Small
Academy of Arts’, named after N. Tlendieva.The closing ceremony of the forum will be held on the same day in Issatay and Makhambet Square.

On 2 to 4 October special days will be held in the rural districts to celebrate ‘Auyl-eat besigi’ culture.
The final concert of this event will be held at 11am on 5 October in Retro Park.

The main festivities are scheduled for 5 October:
- At 11am the Kazaksha Kures - Kazakh Wrestling - tournament begins in Issatay and Mazhambet Square.
- At 11.30am the Skate Park will open at Zhilgorodok Microdistrict on the Ural River
embankment (under the bridge).
- At 12 (midday) a concert will be held for residents and guests of the city at Issatay and
Makhambet Square. An exhibition of arts and crafts and sports games will also feature.
At 7pm, festivities will end on a high note with stars of the Kazakhstan stage performing at Issatay
and Makhambet Square.

October 2 2019, 12:19

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