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Protests are held in Almaty and the capital Nur-Sultan

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Speeches are held in the Central Park of Almaty and near the building of the former congress hall in Nur-Sultan. Participants call for boycotting the presidential elections scheduled for June 9 - the first after the resignation of Nursultan Nazarbayev, who continuously led Kazakhstan for almost three decades, reports Azattyk.

The speeches of the protesters in Almaty, who pass the microphone to each other, are muffled by the music of the official event dedicated to the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan. The events are monitored by police officers strapped into the park in the morning. No arrests so far.

In Nur-Sultan, dozens of people near the venue near the Astana Concert Hall (former congress hall) also call for boycotting the elections. “Boycott”, “People are tired!” - such calls are heard from their lips. “You can't escape the truth!” They repeat the words from the banner, for which on April 21 in Almaty two activists, Asiya Tulesova and Beybarys Tolymbekov, who had unrolled a cloth with such an inscription on the marathon, were arrested for 15 days.

Azattyk reporters witnessed single detentions on the embankment in the capital.

Source: Azattyk

May 1 2019, 14:03

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