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​Winter Ice Race in Atyrau

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On 10 February, ‘Ice Race’ winter marathon was held for the first time in Atyrau. About 500 people participated in the race. Symbolically named a ‘marathon’, the runners started from the ‘White House’, ran along the embankment to the Atyrau State University and back to the ‘White House’ – about four kilometres.

According to Yuri Ponomarenko the vice-president of the organising committee for the Atyrau Marathon, it was originally planned to hold the race on the ice of the Ural. “Due to weather conditions”, the Emergency Situations Department did not permit this.

The first to finish was Shalkar Aidyn, a third-year student at Atyrau State University. The first woman home was 23-year-old Amina Zinorova, who told me a little about herself:

- “I am a graduate of Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University, I teach English at No 12 School. I am also the Kazakhstan champion in pankration. My favourite activity is sport.’ She was the absolute champion of the 42 kilometres ‘Atyrau Marathon – 2018’.

Winners amongst both men and women were awarded diplomas and commemorative medals, with the rest of the participants receiving diplomas for participation.

by Nurbeibit Nugymanov

February 11 2019, 12:10

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