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Schwarzenegger comes to Moscow: I’ll be back for Sochi Olympics

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Photo:RIA NovostiPhoto:RIA NovostiFormer California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger came to Moscow to promote his new movie The Last Stand. Mr. Universe 1969 remembered some Soviet bodybuilders and spoke about the Sochi Olympics, Voice of Russia reports.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has shown his new film in Moscow after an almost 10-year interruption in his acting career and promised to come to the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.

The Terminator is back to screens again after serving two terms as a Cali governor. He admits it was a little bit scary to be back in the business after eight years.

In his film The Last Stand the actor played the part of an elderly sheriff. Schwarzenegger believes that the film contains energy, drama and a lot of dynamic episodes seasoned with good humour.

This is the first time for Schwarzenegger to show his new film in Russia, though he already visited Moscow in 1988 to film part of Red Heat.

“It’s hard to play an old man as I’m forever young” says Arnold, 65. However, he is in great shape though eight years of governorship had their effect. The actor is now surrounded by bodyguards and his speech is full of diplomatic twists. Thus, being asked whether he could follow Depardieu’s example and apply for the Russian citizenship, the actor praised the US tax system which is so different from the French.

January 25 2013, 16:48

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