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CIS representatives to observe Kazakh parliamentary election

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Image 0Kazakhstan's Central Election Commission (CEC) registered the first observers of the parliamentary election from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the CEC said Feb. 18.

Twelve observers were registered from the CIS.

Earlier, Kazakhstan's CEC registered 40 observers from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

Thus, 52 observers from the international organizations (OSCE ODIHR and CIS) accredited for the parliamentary election in Kazakhstan as of Feb. 18.

The accreditation of observers from foreign countries and international organizations will last until March 14.

The parliamentary election in Kazakhstan will be held on March 20.

The Nur Otan Democratic People's Party, the Ak Zhol Democratic Party of Kazakhstan, the Aul Democratic People's Patriotic Party, the Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan, the Nationwide Social Democratic Party and the Birlik Party will participate in the election.


February 19 2016, 11:06

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