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It's horses for courses in Kazakhstan

1 605 просмотрs

INDEPENDENT.CO.UK - It's horses for courses in Kazakhstan - It was on my first day in Almaty that I became aware of the Kazakh love for horsemeat. Wandering around the city that is supposed to have first brought apples to the world I came across The Green Bazaar, a large covered market.

EURASIANET.ORG - Kazakhstan One Year After Kozlov Arrest: Death of Dissent? - Marking a year this week since the start of a political crackdown, Kazakhstan has entered 2013 with a transformed political landscape, the opposition effectively decimated and independent media muzzled.

BLOOMBERG.COM - Caspian Oil Pipeline Expansion to Finish in 2015, Transneft Says - The Caspian Pipeline Consortium’s crude link that runs from northwest Kazakhstan to the Black Sea will reach full capacity by 2015, according to OAO Transneft.

January 25 2013, 10:22

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