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“All Majilis candidates' registration in CEC accomplished", “Colombia confirmed 30,000 cases of infection from the virus Zika, women over 60%", “What Specialties Will Be Demanded In Kazakhstan In Five Years?", “Pakistan court to hear bid to reclaim jewel

3 099 просмотрs “Colombia confirmed 30,000 cases of infection from the virus Zika, women over 60%" - According to reports, the Colombian National Institute of Health in a statement confirmed that, as of now, Colombia has been found that more than 31,000 from the Zika virus infections, 66.1% of those infected are women, including 5013 pregnant women. Colombian government expects 2016 will have more than 60 million people infected with Zika virus. “Pakistan court to hear bid to reclaim jewel from British crown"- A Pakistani court is set on Thursday to hear a petition asking Britain's Queen Elizabeth II to return the Koh-i-Noor diamond more than 150 years after it was taken from Lahore by colonial forces, AFP reports. The 105.6 carat stone, which has also been claimed by a group of Indian businessmen in a separate court case, adorns a crown that was last worn in 1953 by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother at the coronation of her daughter. “All Majilis candidates' registration in CEC accomplished"- Central Election Commission has accredited first 12 election watchers. Kazakhstan's Central Election Commission has registered eight candidates of Birlik party for the elections to Majilis, Chairman of the Central Election Commission Kuandyk Turgankulov handed to the Birlik party's deputy chairman the certificates of candidates on the party list. “What Specialties Will Be Demanded In Kazakhstan In Five Years?"- During the next five years, Kazakhstan is expected to experience an increasing demand for professionals working in the construction and transport sectors. Experts of the Ministry of Social Development and Health believe so, their opinion expressed by head of the department Birjan Nurymbetov during the recent briefing at the Central Communications Office on February 10. “We expect an increase in demand for professionals working in the field of transport. For example, there will be needed more than 30,000 drivers of vehicles, about 18,500 transport workers, as well as about 5,700 locomotive drivers and other related professionals," he said.

February 14 2016, 10:44

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