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Deputy is inaccessible

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Vladimir PakVladimir PakToday, January 24, Vladimir Pak, the ex-deputy of Oblast Maslikhat (local executive body) has not attended the 10th special session of the oblast Maslikhat. The deputies voted for the early revocation of his authorities as the deputy of the district #23.

Pak has not attended Maslikhat sessions after the special 5th sitting, which took place on August 15, 2012 (during the change of the Oblast Governor). He did not attend neither five main Maslikhat sessions nor the preceding meetings of the standing committee.

Asau Ibrashev, the Chairman of Oblast Election Committee, informed in his report that Vladimir Pak could not be reached. Despite the telegrams sent directly to his place of residence on November 26 of last year and on January 14 of the current year, it was not possible to receive any information regarding his whereabouts.

To recall, the other deputy – Aibat Suleimenov, was deprived of his deputy mandate in absentia only last year in October for the same reason. Though, the criminal case against him as per Article 176, part 3, item “b”(misappropriation and large-scale embezzlement of entrusted alien property) of the RoK Criminal Code has been initiated earlier on August 21, 2012 (All fled, fled for their lives...). Both ex-deputies were the owners of the construction companies in the activities of which the Financial Police discovered large-scale embezzlement of budget funds. 

By Murat Sultangaliev

and Laura Suleimenova

January 24 2013, 16:52

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