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Majilis discusses visa-free regime for EU and US

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At the session of Majilis - lower chamber of Kazakhstan's parliament - was discussed a proposal to establish visaless regime for citizens of the United States and European Union that Ministry of Foreign Affairs received recently.

"As you know, Kazakhstan eyes to develop tourism" said a deputy Maksakov.

According to him, while creating our own 'Las Vegases' we forget that major clients in tourism are people from developed countries, but not CIS.

"Why don't we agree with developed countries about visa-free entrance? Even if there is not a chance to establish a bilateral visaless regime, we could do that in unilateral way so that citizens of those nations could freely travel to our country. Armenia and Turkey have already done that for US and EU" proposed the member of Majilis.

In response, deputy foreign minister Amangeldy Zhumabayev assured that similar thing is being discussed with European Union. 

"Many EU countries met us halfway in this initiative at first stage. Today we may travel to many European countries with diplomatic and service passports. Now we are engaged in talks seeking simplified visa regime for our citizens as well" he said.

"We are also working on unilateral visaless regime issue. At the moment we are talking with Japan so that Japanese citizens could come to us without visa. Every nation has its own rules and we are working on that too" vice minister noted.


January 23 2013, 12:19

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