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KZ to launch Agency for International Development -KazAID

3 957 просмотрs

Kazakhstan is working on establishment of the Agency for International Development (KAZAID), said President Nazarbayev at the meeting with the heads of foreign diplomatic missions on Friday, reported website of Akorda.

“Now work is underway to establish the Agency for International Development (KAZAID)," President Nazarbayev said.

He also said that Kazakhstan launched the Regional Center of Multilateral Diplomacy in Almaty. Sixteen representatives of organizations, programs, funds and specialized agencies of the UN with regional and sub-regional status will function in the center.

“The Agency will render technical support to our neighbors and other countries. We will do our best so that the heart of Eurasia was pulsing evenly, calmly and in unison for the benefit of stable regional and global development,”- said Nazarbayev. 

WKT citing KZ press

January 21 2013, 17:33

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