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2016 will celebrate 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan: Nazarbayev

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Image 0President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev attended the New Year's Eve Ball held at the Duman Entertainment Center on December 29, the press service of Akorda said.

Addressing to the participants of the Ball, the Head of State has noted that the forthcoming year 2016 will be a year of celebration of the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence.

"The whole country will work as a single whole to worthily welcome the great holiday. Over the years of sovereignty we have built quite a new country. This is a result of all Kazakhstanis' efforts. I would like to thank our multi-ethnic and multi-faith people for joint work," the President of Kazakhstan has said.

Nursultan Nazarbayev has congratulated everyone on Happy New Year and wished well-being, peace and harmony to every home.

During the Ball, winner of the Miss Kazakhstan 2015 crown Aliya Mergenbaeva invited the President of Kazakhstan to dance.

All the funds raised at the charity ball will be transferred to “Mercy" foundation.

Source: On photo: President at the New Year's Eve Ball in Astana dancing with Miss Kazakhstan-2015.

December 30 2015, 11:32

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