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State budget of Kazakhstan disbursed by KZT 7 tln

2 002 просмотрs

tenge2State budget of Kazakhstan has been disbursed by more than 7 trillion tenge, Finance Minister Bakhyt Sultanov said.

"Timeliness and accuracy are the ways to characterize this year budget . During 4 working days left this year we will hold the budgetary operations worth only 161 billion tenge. This is 3 times less than it was at the end of last year on the same date," Sultanov has said.

According to the minister, as a whole more than 7 trillion tenge has been spent.

"Due to the fact that we have practiced with every administrator of the budget programs, we can already ascertain that the implementation rate this year will be very close to 100%. If last year we had not mastered the budget of the republican budget totaling about 40 billion tenge, but this year it is less from 15 to 20 billion tenge. The summary within this large sum is the non - government reserve for emergency needs and emergency situations," the minister said.


December 29 2015, 17:05

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