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Mangistau Governor to Change on Friday

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Alik AidarbayevAlik AidarbayevThe Akim of Mangistau Oblast Baurzhan Moukhamedzhanov on Friday will leave his post and his position will be taken by Alilk Aidarbayev, reports IA Novosti-Kazakhstan.

“On Friday, the meeting agenda of the Oblast Maslikhat will include the issue of the candidacy of Allik Aidarbayev for the position of Mangistau Oblast Governor,”- said the agency source. Earlier this position after events in Zhanaozen in 2011 was occupied by Baurzhan Moukhamedzhanov. According to the source, now Moukhamedzhanov could be named a candidate for a position of the Minister of Justice, the Secretary of the Security Council or the Deputy Head of President’s Administration.     

Aidarbayev Alik Serikovich was born in 1963 in Chilik District of Almaty Oblast. In 1985 graduated from Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Oil Field Development Department.

In 1985-1991 – worked as operator, foreman, process engineer and department head of Zhetybai Oil Production Company. In 1991-1994 – the head of Zhetybai Oil Production Company, the subsidiary of MangyshlakNeft Corporation. In 1994-1995 – Deputy General Director of YuzhKazNefteGas, in 1995-2009- General Director of Kumkol-LukOil (Joint Venture of LukOil and YuzhKazNefteGas). From December 2009 to April 2011 – General Director of MangistauMunayGas. From April 2011-Managing Director of KazMunayGas E&P. From January 2011 – General Director of KazMunayGas.

Aidarbayev has been awarded with Kourmet and Parassat state medals.  He is the Candidate of Science, the honorary professor of the Kazakh National Technical University. Married with two daughters. His wife is the oil industry economist.

WKT citing IA Novosti-Kazakhstan

January 18 2013, 12:50

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