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Government is preparing for fall in oil prices down to $ 30 per barrel

1 762 просмотрs

Image 0The Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy and the National Bank to prepare an action plan in the event of further decline in oil prices.

Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov has charged the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan together with the National Bank to prepare an action plan in the event of further decline in oil prices down to 30 dollars per barrel, reports quoting the Prime Minister website.

"I would like to remind you that the Head of State tasked us to consider different scenarios, including the case of 30 dollars and 20 dollars per barrel. This morning we had a meeting of the budget committee, where we decided to update our plan, taking into account the macroeconomic situation in the case if the price per barrel of Brent crude oil will be $ 30: what will be the reaction of the foreign exchange market, the reaction at the Russian market, and the overall macroeconomic situation, " - Massimov said at the enlarged session of the Government.

In this regard, the head of government instructed the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy and the National Bank to prepare a plan in the event of further decline in oil prices, and predict how it will affect the budget.


December 9 2015, 16:25

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