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​Kazakhstan to launch Kashagan oil field in Dec. 2016 - econ min

3 127 просмотрs

Image 0Kazakhstan plans to start commercial oil production at Caspian offshore oil field Kashagan in December 2016, Economy Minister Yerbolat Dosayev told a government meeting on Tuesday.

He added that the active phase of expansion of another oil project, Tengizchevroil, would start in April 2016. And in December, 2017 the construction activities of the gas pipeline Beyneu - Bosa - Shymkent will be completed. By the end of 2017 it is planned to finish the upgrade of the Kazakhstan oil refineries in Atyrau, Shymkent and Pavlodar that will allow to supply fully as of 2018 the domestic market with domestic oil products", - the minister said.


December 9 2015, 11:01

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