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“8 new investment projects to be launched in Kazakhstan in 2016”, “President Of Kazakhstan Signed The Law On Public Procurement”, “Air Astana To Receive A $14 Million Loan From The EBRD”

2 347 просмотрs “8 new investment projects to be launched in Kazakhstan in 2016" - 8 new investment projects totaling USD 104 million will be implemented in Kazakhstan in 2016, Deputy Chairman of the Board of "National Agency for Export and Investment "KAZNEX INVEST" JSC Kairat Karmanov informed. “President Of Kazakhstan Signed The Law On Public Procurement" - According to the press service of the head of state, the Law on Public Procurement was signed by President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on December 4, after some amendments were made. The document is aimed at effective implementation of the “Plan of the Nation – 100 concrete steps to implement five institutional reforms in the country," and at improving the existing public procurement procedures. As previously reported, the main purpose of the document is to minimize the risk of corruption, to simplify public procurement procedures, to introduce new effective mechanisms of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of potential suppliers by increasing responsibility of all participants in public procurement.“Air Astana To Receive A $14 Million Loan From The EBRD"- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will provide Air Astana, the national carrier of Kazakhstan, with financial assistance for the construction of Central Asia's first aircraft maintenance center. This news was announced by representatives of the EBRD, with a comment that the bank will provide a loan of 14 million dollars. The airline will use the funds to build a hangar for maintenance work, several administrative and storage buildings, a garage for storage of special equipment. The Center will be located at the airport of Astana, where the carrier's headquarters is.

December 7 2015, 16:01

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