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Netherlands ready for effective cooperation with Kazakhstan - M. Rutte

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Image 0Majilis Speaker Kabibulla Dzhakupov met with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte today.

K. Dzhakupov noted that the visit of Majilis deputies of Kazakhstan to the Netherlands in May was an important moment for strengthening of bilateral cooperation in all spheres, the press service of the Majilis informs.

K. Dzhakupov called the Netherlands an important key economic partner for Kazakhstan in Europe and stressed that the inflow of Dutch direct investments in the economy of Kazakhstan made USD 59 bln in 25 years.

Touching upon the situation in the international arena K. Dzhakupov drew attention to the fact that the fight against international terrorism and radical extremism would not be effective without joining the efforts.

"We call on to support the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan on establishment of the global network fighting the international terrorism and extremism under the auspices of the UN and holding of the Forum "Islam against terrorism," the Majilis Speaker told.

K. Dzhakupov familiarized the Dutch Prime Minister with the work of the parliamentarians.

Mark Rutte also named the three key moments that bear essential significance for development of the relations of Kazakhstan with the Netherlands and the EU and the entire world as well. According to him, these are accession of Kazakhstan to the WTO, completion of the talks on signing of the new agreement on extended partnership and cooperation with the EU and the program "100 specific steps", successful implementation of which, according to Rutte, will allow Kazakhstan to meet the standards of the OECD.

Mark Rutte also expressed the readiness of the Netherlands to support the candidacy of Kazakhstan for the seat of a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2017-2018.

Having noted that about 50 steps in the program "100 specific steps" are about economic reforms, M. Rutte stressed that the Netherlands were ready for effective cooperation with Kazakhstan.

December 2 2015, 16:29

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