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Kazakhstan to open 22 supermarkets “Khalyk Markasy”

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Image 0The first supermarkets of “Khalyk Markasy" (Peoples' Trademark) are scheduled to open in 2016, claimed the Project Manager of “Khalyk Markasy" Rimma Tazhibayeva at the press conference in Central Communications Service under the President of Kazakhstan.

“The action “Made in Kazakhstan" was launched in the country at the beginning of the year, at the initiative of the Head of State. In support of this initiative, from May to October this year was held the nationwide competition “Khalyk Markasy – 2015", said the speaker.

According to the words of Rimma Tazhibayeva, getting this sign - a symbol of recognition of high-quality products by consumers.

“By participating in the competition, industry companies prove their competitiveness and have the ability to earn loyalty of a large number of new customers," she said.

As it became known, currently, 27 domestic producers in different regions of Kazakhstan are planning to enter the market with the sign “Khalyk Markasy".

The supermarket chain of the same name will be opened for implementation of Kazakhstani production.


November 26 2015, 04:09

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