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Kazakhstan to become WTO member in mid-December

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Image 0Kazakhstan will receive an official recognition as a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on December 15, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Alexei Volkov said, Novosti-Kazakhstan news agency reported.

“In Nairobi, Kenya, December 15 at the WTO's 10th Ministerial Conference, Kazakhstan will be formally recognized as a full member of this organization,” said Volkov at the round table dedicated to the republic's accession to the WTO.

Besides, he said that Astana expects the European Union's position on the possible granting Kazakhstan the status of country with market economy.

“Facilitation of visa regime for us will become a priority issue of development of cooperation with the EU after launching the agreement,” he said. “This issue has not been solved for quite a long time.”

Kazakhstan also hopes to get the status of permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) from the US and achieve the cancellation of the Jackson–Vanik amendment.

The Jackson–Vanik amendment to the Trade Act of 1974 is a 1974 provision in United States federal law intended to affect US trade relations with countries with non-market economies that restrict freedom of emigration and other human rights. It was proposed by congressmen Henry Jackson and Charles Vanik.

This amendment primarily affected the USSR and consequently, the post-Soviet countries. The US repealed this amendment for Russia in 2012.

"In general, it is time to discuss the so-called post-WTO period to strengthen trade relations by implementing new joint investment projects,” Volkov said.


November 24 2015, 09:48

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